Shannon Swilley Greco, Credit: Elle Starkman
Girl Scouts touching plasma ball at PPPL with Shannon, Credit: Elle Starkman
“New Starry Nights”, Credit: NASA/SOFIA/D. Chuss/ L. Proudfit
PCCM IRG-A: Growing Crystals of Topological Insulators; S. Jia, H. Ji, J. Xiong, H. Beidenkopf, A. Yazdani, N.P. Ong, and R.J. Cava Princeton University
Screen shot of Jim Kakalios explaining science of Marvel movies on Insider.
Photo Credit: Elle Starkman/PPPL Communications
Group photo of Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at Princeton University, 2017
Plasma Ball, Credit: Unsplash stock images
Stock image background for APS units. Credit: APS/Unsplash/Arif Wahid