About Shannon
Shannon Swilley Greco is the Science Education Senior Program Leader at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton University. She earned her bachelor's degree at the University of Arizona and has a masters of science in science education degree from Montana State University. Shannon is a leader in STEM education and public engagement with more than fifteen years of experience coordinating national networks of Education and Public Engagement professionals, developing informal education public engagement programs in engineering and the sciences at Princeton University for K-16 students, teachers and the general public, and promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. Her education programs include high school internships, large scale expos, intense summer academies for minority high school students, teacher professional development, and many more. Shannon has spent much of her career preparing scientists and engineers for meaningful interactions with students, teachers, and the general public as part of each of her education outreach programs, but also conducting formal science communication workshops and presentations. As Education Coordinator for an NSF-funded Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) for 12 years, Shannon was an integral part in helping scientists meet the NSF's Broader Impact criteria on the multi-million dollar grant as well as several other smaller grants. She has helped scientists at every level develop new, original demos and activities and use existing materials such as NanoDays kits, developed by the Nano Informal Science Education Network (NISENet), to effectively communicate their research and engage students and the public. Shannon Swilley Greco has been involved with APS's Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) since 2015 and ran the 2017 and 2023 CUWiP at Princeton University.
Van de Graaff generator… always a crowdpleaser!